Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

The kind people at 12-Gauge Comics have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics as well as other products featured in the November 2014 Previews, arranged to ship starting January 2015.

ICE: crucial MASS #3 (of 4)

Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Daniel Hillyard
Colorist: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Artist: Jason Pearson (Covers A as well as B)
$3.99 | 24 pgs. | T+ | on sale JANUARY 14

After being ambushed while conducting an investigation in a little Montana town, ICE agents Cole as well as Ezra getaway to the security of a deserted hunting cabin. While doing recon, they find helicopters, dead pilots, as well as a radiation badge in the dead pilot’s hand. Cole as well as Ezra recognize this has just ended up being much a lot more severe than drugs; terrorists have smuggled nuclear materials across the American border…

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12-Gauge Comics December 2014 SolicitationsThe kind people at 12-Gauge Comics have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics as well as other products featured in the October 2014 Previews, arranged to ship starting December 2014. ICE: crucial MASS #2 (of 4) Writer: Doug Wagner Art…
October 22, 2014In “Comics”

12-Gauge Comics November 2014 SolicitationsThe kind people at 12-Gauge Comics have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics as well as other products featured in the September 2014 Previews, arranged to ship starting November 2014. ICE: crucial MASS #1 (of 4) Writer: Doug Wagn…
August 26, 2014In “Comics”

12-Gauge Comics may 2015 SolicitationsThe kind people at 12-Gauge Comics have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics as well as other products featured in the March 2015 Previews, arranged to ship starting may 2015. ICE: BAYOU BLACKOUT #1 (of 3) Writer: Doug Wagner Artist: Dan…
March 4, 2015In “Comics”

By qpttw

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