Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

In addition to their own properties, Archie Comics has been publishing the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series, based on the Sega video game character, since 1993. Now, that run has ended after 24 years.

Per a tweet from the official Sonic Twitter account (featuring a screenshot of the Facebook page),

“SEGA of America will conclude their Sonic the Hedgehog publishing partnership program with Archie Comics.”

They go on to say that “a different direction for the series… will be announced at a later date.”

The final Sonic the Hedgehog issue, #290

(Perhaps they didn’t care for the giant Riverdale ad?)

For close observers, this isn’t a surprise. Archie hadn’t put out a comic in the franchise for six months, with Sonic the Hedgehog #290 coming out last December and Sonic universe #94 in January of this year. In May, the diamond Distributors cancellation list included Sonic the Hedgehog #291 with a code of “Cancelled by Publisher”. That same month, Sonic universe #95-97 were also on the list, but with a “Will Resolicit” code. Now, that’s unlikely.

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By qpttw

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