Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

ComicList: marvel Comics new Releases for 11/12/2014

All-New Captain America #1 (Alex Ross Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Blank Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Carlos Pacheco Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Kris Anka Colbert Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Paul Pope Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), AR
All-New Captain America #1 (Rae Sremmurd custom Interscope Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Sara Pichelli Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Skottie young Variant Cover), ARAll-New Captain America #1 (Stuart Immonen routine Cover), $3.99All-New Ultimates #10, $3.99Avengers as well as X-Men Axis #5 (Of 9)(Dave Johnson Inversion Variant Cover), ARAvengers as well as X-Men Axis #5 (Of 9)(Jim Cheung routine Cover), $3.99Avengers as well as X-Men Axis #5 (Of 9)(Sara Pichelli young guns Variant Cover), ARAvengers legendary Collection volume 1 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes TP, $34.99Avengers Undercover volume 2 Going native TP, $14.99Avengers world volume 2 Ascension TP, $16.99Axis Hobgoblin #2 (Of 3), $3.99Bucky Barnes The winter Soldier #2 (Andrea Sorrentino Variant Cover), ARBucky Barnes The winter Soldier #2 (Marco Rudy routine Cover), $3.99Bucky Barnes The winter Soldier #2 (Sanford Greene Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARCaptain America #25 (Stuart Immomen 2nd printing Variant Cover), $4.99Captain America as well as The Mighty Avengers #1 (Luke Ross routine Cover), $3.99Captain America as well as The Mighty Avengers #1 (Ryan Benjamin Variant Cover), ARCaptain America as well as The Mighty Avengers #1 (Skottie young Variant Cover), ARCaptain America as well as The Mighty Avengers #1 (Ulises Farinas Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARCaptain marvel #9, $3.99Death Of Wolverine The Logan tradition #4 (Of 7)(Juan Doe Canada Variant Cover), ARDeath Of Wolverine The Logan tradition #4 (Of 7)(Juan Doe routine Cover), $3.99Fantastic four volume 2 original transgression TP, $15.99George Romero’s empire Of The Dead Act two #3 (Of 5), $3.99Guardians 3000 #2 (Alex Ross routine Cover), $3.99Guardians 3000 #2 (Gerardo Sandoval Variant Cover), ARGuardians 3000 #2 (Ian Bertram Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARHawkeye Vs Deadpool #2 (Of 4), $3.99Marvel Masterworks The incredible Hulk volume 8 HC (not verified by Diamond), $69.99Marvel Masterworks The incredible Hulk volume 8 HC (Direct Market Variant edition volume 212), $69.99Marvel world Avengers Assemble season two #1, $3.99Marvel world Avengers Assemble season two #1 (Stomp Out Bullying Variant Cover), ARMarvel world Avengers Assemble volume 3 digest TP, $9.99Miles Morales ultimate Spider-Man #7, $3.99Nightcrawler #8, $3.99Nightcrawler volume 1 Homecoming TP, $19.99Nova #23, $3.99Original transgression Thor as well as Loki The Tenth Realm TP, $16.99
Rocket Raccoon #1 (Holding Code blank Variant Cover), ARRocket Raccoon #1 (Jeff Smith 4th printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Rocket Raccoon #1 (Skottie young Holding Code Variant Cover), ARSavage Hulk #6, $3.99She-Hulk #10, $2.99Silver Surfer #7, $3.99Spider-Verse #1 (Of 2)(Giuseppe Camuncoli routine Cover), $4.99Spider-Verse #1 (Of 2)(Nick Bradshaw Variant Cover), ARSpider-Verse #1 (Of 2)(Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Alex Ross 75th anniversary Sketch Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Alex Ross 75th anniversary Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Blank Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Mike Choi routine Cover), $3.99Superior Iron guy #1 (Sara Pichelli Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Skottie young Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Tom Fowler Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARSuperior Iron guy #1 (Yildiray Cinar style Variant Cover), ARThor #1 (Russell Dauterman 2nd printing Variant Cover), $3.99Thor #2 (Chris Samnee Variant Cover), ARThor #2 (Esad Ribic style Variant Cover), ARThor #2 (James Stokoe Rocket Raccoon & Groot Variant Cover), ARThor #2 (Russell Dauterman routine Cover), $3.99Thor God Of Thunder volume 3 The Accursed TP, $19.99

INSIGHT EDITIONSMarvel vehicles Owner’s Workshop handbook HC, $29.95

TOTALMOJO PRODUCTIONSFull-Color guide To marvel Silver Age Collectibles From MMMS To Marvelmania SC (2nd Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $29.95

Games – NECA/WIZKIDSMarvel Dice Masters X-Men Dice Bag, $14.99
Marvel Dice Masters X-Men Magnetic Dice Box, $19.99

Games – upper DECKMarvel Legendary Deck building game Guardians Of The Galaxy Expansion, AR

VideosMarvel Knights The Wolverine Collection BD, AR

MerchandiseAll-New Captain America #1 Poster By Alex Ross (Marvel Comics), $8.99Guardians 3000 #2 Poster By Alex Ross (Marvel Comics), $8.99Guardians Of The Galaxy Drax Life-Size Standup, $34.95Guardians Of The Galaxy Gamora Life-Size Standup, $34.95Guardians Of The Galaxy Groot Life-Size Standup, $34.95Guardians Of The Galaxy Nova Corp Previews special Dyad Flexfit Cap, $25.99Guardians Of Thenull

By qpttw

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