Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

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Royals #1

Artist Jonboy Meyers is known for his work on teen Titans, GeNext: United, Spawn, and much more. now he turns his artistic talents to Marvel’s classic characters, the Inhumans, in Royals. Meyers recently told Westfield’s Roger Ash about his work on this upcoming series.

Westfield: how did you come to work on Royals?

Jonboy Meyers: Well, I had just parted with DC on teen Titans and I have mutual colleagues at marvel who were kind enough to reach out and talk to me about potential projects.

Westfield: Are you a fan of the Inhumans?

Meyers: Of the classic Kirby stuff, yes! I was not so much of a fan of the current Inhumans—that is until I read Al Ewing’s pitch for Royals, which I feel like takes them back to their roots as a family not as Mutants 2.0, so to speak.

Westfield: What can readers look forward to in the series?

Meyers: Not to spoil anything, but lots of outer space action. think mad Max in space. The royal family is finally retracing their Kree roots to the source and the source of Terrigen and ultimately to the source of who they really, really are.

Royals #2

Westfield: how much design work did you do for the series?

Meyers: A lot! LoL. I think rebranding them and their look a bit was nice to start a whole new chapter and moving the Royals away from a traditional super hero look is key. I mean, who wears spandex in space, right? giving them a bit of a different look is also a terrific way to distance them from past storylines and denotes to the reader that this is definitely something new…. well, at least I hope so.

Westfield: Is there any character you’re particularly enjoying drawing?

Meyers: Medusa! I love drawing her, and it was a bit tricky to come up with a design that was different and still felt familiar and regal.

Westfield: What can you say about your collaboration with writer Al Ewing?

Meyers: Al’s great. next to Paul Jenkins, he’s one of the easiest writers I’ve ever worked with. and he’s very clever in how he spins his plot. There’s lots of subtext in there.

Royals #3

Westfield: I know this is a stupid question, but do you ever listen to Lorde’s song Royals while drawing Royals?

Meyers: LOL I get that question like once a week…. No, but maybe I should—just play it and click it to repeat.

Westfield: any closing comment?

Meyers: I hope people pick up the book and give it a chance. It’s not like your conventional “Inhumans” books—it’s very much its own thing and if you like mad Max, you’ll like this.



By qpttw

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