Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

Media release — As exposed at Nerdist, Valiant is happy to present the very first lettered look inside BRITANNIA: WE who ARE about TO die #1 (of 4) – the very first problem of a haunting as well as hallucinatory new investigation for the ancient world’s very first detective, beginning on April 26th! This spring, the master creators behind BRITANNIA’s ten-time sold-out debut – comics legend Peter Milligan (Shade, The altering Man) as well as upstart artist Juan Jose Ryp (Britannia) – reunite for a startling new situation bringing the god Apollo from the heights of install Olympus to the sordid back alleys of Rome as Nero’s many trusted “detectioner,” Antonius Axia, investigates a series of bizarre, supernatural happenings linking the blood sacrifice of the pagan temple to the bloodsport of the gladiatorial arena!
Fifty thousand Romans stand on their feet, viewing from the rafters of the Coliseum with caught breath as Achillia, a gladiator unlike any type of that Rome has seen before, faces amazing chances – one lone warrior against five of Rome’s greatest. Such is the tradition, when a female gladiator enters the fray. When the carnage is complete, the coliseum roars its approval as Achillia stands victorious. Now, only one match away from winning her freedom, she has begun to acquire renown. The women of Rome, suppressed by their hubbies as well as fathers, have noticed. The guy of Rome, hubbies as well as fathers to a growing horde of women entertaining concepts of independence, have discovered as well.

On the other side of Rome, a unusual secret swirls with the Palatine Hill. In the dead of night, down winding alleys, Rome’s elite promise that they see visions of a blood-soaked Apollo walking the city…visions that are driving them mad. even much more are ending up being ill with strange fever god-dreams. Panic ensues in the city. The chief Vestal, Rubria, is arrested by Emperor Nero as well as threatened with crucifixion unless the deadly curse that’s fallen on Rome is lifted. She asks Antonius Axia, hero of Britannia as well as Rome’s only detective, for help. She provides only one clue…the gladiator Achillia.

Rome’s newest gladiator has cut her method to the top…but can even she getaway the wrath of a mad god set loose upon the world of men? Antonius Axia is the only one who understands for sure, as well as the answers await in BRITANNIA: WE who ARE about TO die #1 (of 4) – an all-new, self-contained entry point into the fearless new series that’s pushing the limits of the Valiant world farther than ever before! featuring covers by Eisner award champion Cary Nord (X-O Manowar, Conan), Eisner award nominee David Mack (Daredevil), rising star Adam Gorham (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe), as well as Eisner award champion Dave Johnson (100 Bullets), jump on board right here on April 26th with a breathtaking introduction to Milligan & Ryp’s ten-time sold-out vision of myth as well as mystery, only in BRITANNIA: WE who ARE about TO die #1 (of 4)!

For much more information, go to Valiant on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, as well as

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BRITANNIA: WE who ARE about TO die #1 (of 4)
Cover A by CARY NORD (FEB172054)
Cover B by DAVID MACK (FEB172055)
Character style Variant by DAVID MACK (FEB172057)
Variant Cover by ADAM GORHAM (FEB172058)
Variant Cover by DAVE JOHNSON (FEB172059)
Blank Cover likewise offered (FEB172056)
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PRESTIGE | on sale APRIL 26 (FOC – 4/3/17)

BRITANNIA: WE who ARE about TO die #2 (of 4)
Cover A by DAVID MACK (MAR172177)
Cover B by JUAN JOSE RYP (MAR172178)
Variant Cover by CLAYTON HENRY (MAR172179)
Variant Cover by ADAM GORHAM (MAR172180)
Variant Cover by DAVE JOHNSON (MAR172181)
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PRESTIGE | on sale may 17 (FOC – 4/24/17)

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