Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

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Wayne Markley

by Wayne Markley

I have complained many, lots of times about DC’s new 52 and pointed out over and over what I perceive to be the problems with the new line. Actually, after a year and a half is it really a new 52? Or is it just the DC line of books? So this time I am not going to devote the column to what is wrong with DC or with which titles I do not like (but after reading this I think it will be obvious), but I am going to go over the DC 52 titles I like. Yes, there are some DC titles I still like (and remember I was the world’s greatest DC fan for over 40 years and I worked there at one time). I nearly like ten percent of the current line, and this is only the superhero line and not Vertigo or other publications. So in no particular buy here we go.


The first title really shocked me in that I had no hope for it when it was announced, yet now I like it a lot more than its parent title, and that is Talon. Talon spun out of Batman and the whole Court of Owls storyline, which I did not take pleasure in very much. Talon tells the story of a Talon (a killer for the Court of Owls) who turns his back on the Court and tries to make good and, with the help of a small circle of friends, he fights a variety of evil around Gotham City. I really like the storytelling in this book as it reminds me of Denny O’Neil’s classic question series. As a bonus, the art is amazing. It is both dynamic and creative and keeps your eye moving and the story is not predictable. also the story telling is straight forward and not a convoluted mumbo jumble. If you have not tried this, take the time to read an issue or two or get the first collection.

Batman & Robin #16

Another Batman family title I really like is Batman and Robin. Pete Tomasi has come a long way from being an editor to one of my favorite writers at DC. in spite of my dislike of the idea the Damian being Batman’s son, Tomasi has been able to create stories that are so good I forgot I disliked the character of Damian. He looks into what makes Batman and Robin who they are, and it is so much a lot more than just another Bat book. (I have grown to really dislike Batwoman, Batwing, etc.) The Batman and Robin annual and the current issue of Batman and Robin are both exceptional. and Batman having a kid might be fixed soon. Is a true death in the family coming in Batman Inc.?

Nightwing #19

A third title in the Batman family I really take pleasure in is Nightwing. Kyle Higgin’s has taken the character back to its roots with the return of the Haley Circus and moving Dick back to Gotham. as with Batman and Robin, this is a lot more character driven than the normal “villain of the month.” The back story of Dick Grayson and his struggles with who he is and was are as interesting as the villains he fought. The art is very good and really feels ideal for the book. I think this is the most underrated of the Bat family of books.

All-Star Western #5

Next is a title that will be no surprise for any individual who has read my column for any length of time: All-Star Western with Jonah Hex. Jonah Hex has been my favorite character as for a very long time and I was very critical when they cancelled Jonah Hex and replaced it with All-Star Western and moved the stories to Gotham City. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin gray have continued to tell some of the best stories in comics in spite of the restrictions put on them by having to base the stories in Gotham. They have been able to create a supporting cast that shines as well as keep Jonah’s sparkling personality as the focus of the book without losing any of the charm that made Jonah Hex my favorite title for lots of years.

A couple of observations about the book. After the first year they have been able to step Jonah out of Gotham and back to different towns, such as new Orleans. Also, the masthead of the title has been changed from All star Western featuring Jonah Hex with the emphasis on All star Western to All star Western (in small print) and the emphasis (in much larger type) on Jonah Hex. I am fairly sure this is a relation that Jonah as a character sells this title, not the title All-Star Western which they used with the launch of new 52. I have loved this character considering that it first appeared in 1971, and aside from the motion picture which is one of the worst messes I have ever seen, the character of Jonah Hex is one of the most original, violent, and creative characters in comics. (And as a bonus, it is not a superhero).

Green lantern #19

Finally, I really like the new green Lantern. It really is not very different from the old green Lantern. This may be the reason I like it. I will admit the in the last year and a half (the new 52) the stories have been a bit muddy and  it suffers a lot of what I think Geoff Johns stories suffers from; the story goes on and on and the end is always lackluster if there is an end at all. but I am still going to recommend this book because of the very great art and the stories are interesting as they start out. Also, it was recently announced that Pete Tomasi (from Batman and Robin) will be taking over green lantern from Geoff Johns which I consider a major improvement and is something I am looking forward to.

Detective Comics #19

I originally did not include this title in my list as I thought I had too lots of Batman titles and I put a lot of time into finding books I really took pleasure in from DC (I cannot express how sad I find it that I do not love DC as I once did). The title I am adding at the last minute is Detective Comics. Not all of the run mind you, but just considering that John Layman has taken over. I have discussed this in the past, and I say it again, this is the best Batman book out there with Batman and Robin a close second. John Layman also writes Chew for image which I like, but having read Chew I would never have thought his Batman would be this good. It is well thought out, the stories are exciting, and the art is great. check it out.

As I mentioned, I had a tough time putting together this list as I have been deeply disappointed in DC’s new 52. I have tried to be objective and I have read all of the new 52, and these six titles stick out to me. I hope that DC can get their act together and launch a lot more titles like Talon which are story driven and are a great overall package. There are good writers out there that do not come from the 90s (DC has hired a number of Marvel’s writers from the 90s recently). just look at some of the creative and great titles coming from image as of late. creativity and talent is out there. As always, everything in this column is my opinions and do not reflect the thoughts or opinions of Westfield Comics or their employees. Comments, complaints, and review copies can be sent to MFBWAY@AOL.COM.

Thank you.

By qpttw

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