Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

one of the best comics produced in the last few decades is easily gene Yang’s Superman Smashes the Klan. The graphic novel series is an updated version of the original radio program. another great book? Richard Bowers’s Superman versus the Ku Klux Klan: The true story of how the iconic Superhero Battled the men of Hate. It’s a good time to see Superman giving a group of racist terrorists a beatdown. Well, any time is a good time for that. and now Superman Vs the KKK is going to be a radio podcast!

How We got a Superman Vs the KKK Radio show Again

(DC Comics)

PaperChase films is all in on Superman Vs the KKK, whether it’s a book, radio podcast, or film. “We’re excited to serialize Superman vs The KKK in a format that recalls the days of radio-drama,” said PaperChase’s Dillon D Jordan said in an interview with Deadline. “The Fandom team brings an enormous amount of insight and talent to the project, and we’re sure the results will be fantastic. There’s something powerful here. A timely lesson on the dangers of systemic racism — an issue that modern audiences are sure to find compelling.”

The story behind Superman Vs the KKK [is worthy of] more Attention

(Image from Superman Smashes the Klan, DC Comics)

In the 1940s, journalist Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the KKK. and hat did he do with the information? Bring it to the producers of the Superman radio show. “This story is an incredible mix of undercover journalism, brand activism, and the power of pop culture to change the world,” co-host Roth Cornet described. “We live in an era where fans identify themselves by the things they love, so there is incredible power in harnessing this passion to make an impact.”

The ten-episode series from Cornet and co-host Ed Greer doesn’t have a release date yet.

(Featured Image: Superman Smashes the Klan, DC Comics)

By qpttw

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